Saturday 19 January 2008

Trip to London Aquarium - 'Eid Day

Here are a few pics from our little trip to London Aquarium on 'Eid day...




Do the ray fish

Thursday 10 January 2008

8 Principles to Realise the Existence of God

1. What we perceive by our (five) senses exists

Whatever we can perceive with our senses definitely exists. This is a clear, obvious and undisputable fact.

2. Certainty is attainable by decisive (factual) report, in the same way it can be achieved by the senses

In order to acknowledge or believe in the existence of a matter, one does not necessarily need to perceive it with their (five) senses.

For example, we know the Bermuda Triangle exists, yet how many of us have actually seen it with our own eyes?

Similarly, we know that meteorites exist (in space), but have we ever seen them ourselves? No, is the most likely answer to both these questions, but we know they exist because we have decisive report (information).

Therefore, one does not need to see God in order to believe in Him. Decisive report or information is sufficient.

3. We must not reject the existence of a matter if we are unable to perceive it with our senses

This is a very important point to bear in mind: One should not deny the existence of a matter just because they are unable to perceive it with their senses.

Example: If a person is locked in a cell (with a window) their view would be greatly restricted. Nevertheless, the prisoner cannot deny the existence of those matters or objects which he/she is unable to see from their cell.

Example: We know bacteria exist even though we cannot see them with our naked eyes.

4. The Human imagination (or mind) cannot perceive anything beyond reality

It is not possible for us as human beings to imagine Paradise or Hell, or even life after death, because they are beyond our reality (or realm).

The only way we have come to learn about such notions is through revelation and divine sources. If God never told us about them it would be impossible for us to invent the concept of Paradise (Heaven) and Hell.

Example: If you try to imagine a car, a certain image would come to your mind, based on your previous experiences with cars. However, if you had never seen or heard of one before, it would be impossible for you to imagine one.

Hence, the concept of Heaven, Hell and the Afterlife must have come from a non-human being – God.

5. Human comprehension is restricted by time and place

As human beings, we can only comprehend the existence of a matter if it is restricted by time and place.

Example: Britain enters into a war with Russia. It is not in the UK, nor is it in Russia. It is not on land, nor on water, and neither is it in the sky. Moreover, the war did not happen last year, or any other year. This is impossible for one to comprehend because the event (or war) is not restricted by time of place.

Example: If a person you had just recently met told you they came from a country that was not in Asia, Europe, Africa, Australia or any other continent, it would be impossible for you to understand or comprehend where the person was from.

Therefore, it is the human imagination or faculty of mind that is limited and restricted. The fact that we are unable to see or hear God does not mean He cannot be seen or heard.

Furthermore, because our intellectual capacity is limited, it is not possible for us to understand (or rationalise) the Attributes of God. The only reliable information we have about God is what He Himself has informed us of (in divine scriptures).

6. Believing in God is part of human nature

Before man was born, God created the whole of mankind and made us testify and acknowledge that He is indeed our Creator. This is why believing in God is part of our natural disposition (fitrah). Allah (SWT) says in the Qur’aan:

“And (remember) when your Lord brought forth from the Children of Adam, from their loins, their seed (Adam's offspring) and made them testify as to themselves (saying): "Am I not your Lord?" They said: "Yes! We testify," lest you should say on the Day of Resurrection: ‘Verily, we have been unaware of this.’” (EMQ al-A’raaf, 7:172)

7. Seeing the existence of other life is a direct proof of the existence of God

The fact that we can see other living organisms and beings around us is proof of the existence of God. The rational human being would conclude that they were created and could not have created themselves.

8. Man by his nature is limited, weak and needy

Every creation is limited, weak and needy. We too have these traits, and therefore we are creations of a Creator (God).

Wednesday 5 December 2007

Banana Nut Milkshake

This is a simple, nutritious, delicious, healthy breakfast shake that is quick and easy to make. And you only need three ingredients.


2 bananas
Half a pint of milk
8 almonds


Cut or break the bananas in half. Pour half a pint of milk into a blender. Then chuck in the bananas and nuts - that's it.

Pour into a glass and serve (with a straw).

Serves one, or two (if you use two small glasses).

Nutritional information

I don't have time to research the NI (nutritional information) of a banana, so I will only provide the NI of the amount of milk used. You can use any kind of milk - full fat, semi-skimmed or skimmed.

NI for half a pint (300 ml) of semi-skimmed milk

Energy 150 kcal
Protein 10.5
Carbs 14.5
Fat 5.5

Thursday 22 November 2007

The difference between Bin Laden and George Bush

What is the difference between Osama bin Laden and George Bush?

Apart from their ideology, in what way are they different?

• Both are alleged terrorists.
• Both are engaged in war and recruiting people to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan.
• Both believe in supremacy for their religion and ideology.
• Both are accused of bombing buildings and the infrastructure of ‘sovereign’ states.
• And both are accused of targeting civilians.

So what is the difference between the two men? Why is it illegal to support one and not the other? Why is it a crime to sing praises for Bin Laden, but not for Bush?

The only difference I can see between the two men is that one is a Muslim and the other is a non-Muslim (Christian).

If one were to stand outside on the streets of Britain praising George Bush and celebrate the killing of Iraqi civilians and so-called insurgents, I don’t think anybody, especially the police, would have a problem with that. In fact, it certainly wouldn’t be a crime.

But on the other hand, if one were to stand in a mosque, praise Bin Laden or celebrate the killing of British and American soldiers – accused of beating children, raping women, destroying mosques and killing civilians – that would be a crime and one would consequently be arrested under the Terrorism Act if it came to the attention of the police.

The democratic definition of terrorism has thus become very clear indeed.

It is now understood that a ‘terrorist’ is a Muslim who possesses a book on self defence or believes Muslims must physically and intellectually resist the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. But on the contrary, killing Muslims, labelling them as extremists and thereby stripping them of their civil liberties or torturing them in Abu Ghraib or Guantanamo Bay is not terrorism, but rather “necessary to ensure the safety of the public and our freedom.”

If it is a crime under the Terrorism Act to sympathise with Bin Laden or support Muslims in Iraq who are fighting to defend their lives and sanctity, it should also be a crime under the Terrorism Act to stand by George Bush and support his wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Furthermore, those that vote for him or his like should be arrested for aiding and abetting a terrorist. Their homes should be raided, their lives should be turned upside down, and they should be detained in solitary confinement for anything up to 28 days, without trial, in a high security police station.

Sunday 18 November 2007

10 Reasons to Embrace Islam

1. Salvation from Hellfire

The greatest accomplishment is not to attain a six-figure salary or the status of an entrepreneur; rather, it is salvation from Hellfire and the never-ending physical and psychological torture therein. Almighty Allah says in the Qur’aan: “Everyone shall taste death. And only on the Day of Resurrection shall you be paid your wages in full. And whoever has been spared from the Fire (of Hell) and admitted to Paradise, he indeed is triumphant. The life of this world is only the enjoyment of deception (a deceiving thing).” (EMQ 3:185)

Life in this world is temporary and short-lived, whereas life in the Hereafter will be eternal.

2. Paradise

Paradise (or Heaven) is exclusively reserved for those who have attained the pleasure of God; that is to say, those who adhered to His commands and followed His Messengers (may Allah’s blessings be upon them). Hence, no person will enter Paradise unless they were Muslim (a submitter) in this present life.

Life in Paradise is incomparable to life in this world; there will be no hardship, pain or suffering – only eternal pleasure and bliss. Allah (God) says in the Qur’aan: “Allah has promised to the Believers – men and women – Gardens under which rivers flow to dwell therein forever, and beautiful mansions in Gardens of Eden. But the greatest bliss is the Good Pleasure of Allah. That is the supreme success.” (EMQ 9:72)

3. Forgiveness for all previous sins

By embracing Islam you will be like the day you were born (sinless) and all your previous sins (or crimes) will be wiped away, no matter how awful they were. It has been authentically reported that the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad (peace be upon him), said: “Are you not aware that Islam wipes away all previous deeds (sins)?” (Saheeh Muslim, Book 1, Chapter 54, Hadeeth no. 121)

4. Solutions to every problem

Islam has solutions to every problem in life, whether personal, social, economic or political. As a Muslim you will never be lost for an answer and all your problems will have clear solutions.

The Qur’aan is a miraculous book containing guidelines and laws concerning how you should conduct your life’s affairs. And because it is divine (from God), you are assured that the laws are perfect and suitable for all times.

5. Conviction

All false theories concerning the origination of man and the universe are answered and decisively refuted in the Qur’aan by the Creator of mankind and the universe Himself – Allah.

We are told in the Qur’aan that there will be a Hell (for unbelievers) and a Paradise (for Muslims). Furthermore, we are informed that there will be a Day of Judgement and every person will be consequently accounted for their actions in this life. And because the Qur’aan is a divine, miraculous, irrefutable book, we can believe in all of this with total conviction.

6. Contentment

As a Muslim you will appreciate the blessings and favours that Allah has bestowed upon you, which you denied as a non-Muslim – wealth, health, food, clothing, shelter, life, and so forth.

It is highly unlikely for a Muslim to suffer from depression because Muslims believe that all occurrences are predestined by Allah, and if one faces difficulties or trials they know that these are tests from Him. Consequently, they will be content with whatever Allah has destined for them.

Being a content Muslim, you will not feel the urge to purchase unnecessary items (in order to show off to others), thereby accumulating great amounts of debt – one of the major causes of depression in the West.

7. Personal security

By embracing Islam and declaring the Kalimah (testimony of faith), you will attain peace and security, and it would be strictly forbidden under Islamic law for any person – Muslim or non-Muslim – to violate the sanctity of your life, wealth or properties.

Whosoever intentionally violates the sanctity of an innocent believer will be severely punished under the Shari’ah.

8. Improved health

Alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, intoxicants or other substances that harm the human body are forbidden for Muslims to consume or profit from in any way. Thus, by becoming Muslim you would dramatically reduce your chances of getting diseases such as lung cancer or heart disease.

Furthermore, because homosexuality and sexual intercourse outside marriage is forbidden in Islam, you would also reduce your chances of contracting sexually transmitted diseases, such a cervical cancer or HIV.

9. Better hygiene

Islam encourages one to take regular showers (especially before attending congregations), perform ablution before every prayer (five times a day) and clean oneself via a process called ‘istinja’ after every visit to the toilet. Moreover, it is highly recommended for one to regularly trim their nails, brush their teeth and remove pubic hair.

Thus, there is no doubt that by embracing Islam you would benefit from improved health and hygiene.

10. Safer society

Alcohol, drugs, intoxicants and gambling are clearly linked to violent crimes, burglary and murder. Islam has made these things prohibited, as well as pornography and nudity, which are linked to rape and paedophilia.

Therefore, under Islamic law society would be safer and free from obscenities that pervert one’s mind and natural disposition.